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Techno 2019 Launch

Launch of “techno 2019"

The launch of “techno 2019”, the National Engineering and Technology Exhibition, was held on 12th July 2019 at the Hotel Marino Beach. The exhibition is the flagship event of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) and is organized for the 34th consecutive year. The exhibition will be held on 11, 12 and 13 October at the Bandaranayake Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH).

Starting as an Electrical- mechanical exhibition in 1985, techno has grown into a fully fledged engineering and technology exhibition over the years, providing an opportunity for the visitors and stallholders to experience the essence of engineering and technological innovations and inventions around the globe.

The President-Elect of the IESL, Chairman of the organizing committee for techno 2019, Eng. (Prof) S B S Abhayakoon said that the theme of the exhibition for this year is “Innovative Engineering towards A Sustainable Sri Lanka”.

“ Today, the current issues faced by us are very complex in nature and hence there is no doubt that Engineering needs to be innovative. Development of the country in a sustainable manner is closely related to innovative engineering. This is evident as sustainable development directly depends on the appropriate and timely actions initiated by the engineers. Therefore engineers have a crucial role to play in inspiring, collaborating and being creative in all their endeavours to make sure that the country is properly guided in its efforts towards sustainable development” he said.

The main emphasis of the national engineering and technology exhibition is to bring out and unleashing countries multi-disciplinary engineering talents to drive Sri Lankan technological excellence for the revolutionary uplifting of people’s living conditions and prosperity.

Implications of the exhibition are substantial.  Wide variety of engineering and technology products and services are showcased in techno 2019 under one roof allowing all levels of industrialists and the general public to meet their needs.  techno 2019 is a rare opportunity for inventors and entrepreneurs to unveil their innovative ideas and to look for investors.

Best stalls selected during the exhibition will be awarded at the techno night. In keeping with the theme, institutions Young Members Section with collaboration from engineering faculties of the state universities and Sri Lanka Telecom has organized an array of competitions alongside the exhibition. Key features of the techno exhibition such as Building Clinic, Short Seminars, Junior inventor Area and Undergraduate Inventor Area and the armed forces pavilion will function as usual. As for the visitors, there will be a raffle draw with exciting prices from the entry tickets, drawn twice a day throughout the whole duration of the exhibition.

More information on stall reservations could be obtained from techno@iesl.lk or by visiting www.techno.lk.


Published Date: 2019-07-29 14:45:56